Why 1Life

by Bo Hayes April 12, 2016

In order to get you guys to understand the meaning behind the 1 Life brand, I thought it might be better to explain to you why I chose to start 1 Life in the first place. I am just a 22-year-old college athlete with huge dreams and a passion for living. I genuinely enjoy life, and everything that comes along with it, whether it is good or bad. I choose to be optimistic and see the good in everything that happens to me, and I’ve always believed that makes me different than everybody else. I don’t understand why less and less people nowadays are choosing NOT to follow their hearts and dreams. I don’t understand why more and more people are living the lives people around them think they should live. My goal with 1 Life is to help people get everything they possibly can out of life. It’s too short not to follow your heart and be the person YOU want to be, not the person other people want you to be. I want people to experience that same joy I get out of life everyday. I want to encourage people to get out of their comfort zones. I want to encourage people to break up the monotony of their daily routine and find time to see all of the beauty that life has to offer. Most of all, I want people to just live THEIR life. As cliché as that sounds, that’s becoming a rare thing these days. Too many people hate their jobs, hate where they live, or just aren’t happy with where they are life. What so many people forget is they have the power to control all of that! Who cares if people don’t believe in your dreams or don’t see them working out for you? They’re your dreams, not theirs. Steve Jobs once said, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” I’m telling you right now, no matter what someone may say to you, no matter how many people may try to discourage you, YOU WILL NEVER REGRET FOLLOWING YOUR HEART. It may not work out, but you will never regret it. I truly, truly believe that if you want to achieve something ask yourself, “Why not me?” It is impossible to come up with an answer that is not an excuse. Most people don’t chase their dreams because of fear; fear of rejection, fear of failure, or fear of what others may think. Let go of that fear, it’s not real! Fear is just something we force ourselves to believe.

My second goal with 1 Life is to encourage people to see the beauty and joy all around them in life, while they are in the process of chasing their dreams and becoming who they want to be. Just go out and experience life! When is the last time you put your phone down and just sat on a rooftop or something and watched the sun go down? You see, the common misconception that so many people have is that in order to “live life to the fullest” they must go out and go skydiving, or jump off of a cliff, or some other type of adrenaline filled activity. While there’s nothing wrong with that, and I do encourage that because I believe those things are some of the best ways to get yourself out of your comfort zone, it is not necessary to live and joy life. Taking a back road home to get a better view of a sunset, that’s living life. Helping someone in a time of need, that’s living life. Appreciating the little things in life, that’s living life. How easy are all of these things?! Yet, how many of us have actually done something like that lately? Too often, people stop growing, stop working on themselves, and stop expanding their life and their experiences. 

Now you see my reason behind 1 Life, so the only thing I can do now is leave you with a challenge. This next week, do something different. Whether its chasing your dreams, doing something that makes yourself genuinely happy, helping someone even though it doesn’t benefit you, or just taking some time to appreciate all of the beauty around you. Your life is yours, no matter what you’ve been forced to believe. You’re supposed to walk your path, your road to success; what your gut and your heart are telling you. We all only have one why we’re here. 1 Life. Why not Live it?

-Bo Hayes

1 Life Co-owner

Live your life with passion; with some drive. Decide that you’re going to push yourself. The last chapter of your life has not been written yet, and it doesn’t matter about what happened yesterday. It doesn’t matter about what happens to you. What matters is, what are you going to do about it?”-Les Brown

Bo Hayes
Bo Hayes


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