Show Us What 1Life Means to You

by Bo Hayes May 25, 2016

     A while back, I was trying to describe to someone what 1 Life was and found myself struggling to figure out exactly what 1 Life means. A few days later I realized why it was hard for me to convey to other people what 1 Life is all about. That's because my concept of 1 Life may be completely different than your concept of it. Yes, the platform behind the actual company itself is static, and my reasons behind starting 1 Life will always stay the same. I'm talking about what 1 Life means to you. What does 1 Life mean to you? To some people, 1 Life might mean chasing your dreams and listening to your heart on how you really want your life to turn out. To someone else it might mean doing something different to expand yourself and experiences by breaking up the monotony in your everyday life. To others, it could simply mean enjoying all of the beauty around you, and all that life has to offer. There's nothing wrong with any of these views. That's the beauty of it all and what's so unique about the 1 Life concept and lifestyle! There's no certain way or rule that says you have to view life like he does or she does or anybody for that matter. Just like in life itself, nothing says you have to live like anybody else. Be your own person. March to the beat of your own drum. Life is too short to do anything but that. 1 Life can mean whatever you want it to mean.

     So what does 1 Life mean to me? To me, I want to chase my dreams as hard as I can. I know exactly what I want to do with my life and I want to do everything in my power to make that happen. Even if that means skipping parties, getting up early even when I don't have to, and being sort of an outsider. I realize this isn't common in most 22 year olds and I couldn't be more fine with that. I have a very strong sense of who I am and who I want to become. I'm okay with being different. I also always try to always make time to sit back and relax and just enjoy living. There's so much appreciation to be found in the little things in life, and that gets looked over more and more nowadays. I love seeing all of the beauty this world has to offer. I hate monotony, and I always try to break up my daily routine and do things differently. I don't like the thought of living in a fishbowl. I guess you could say I embody all of those views and them some when I think about what 1 Life means to me. You may agree with all of these views, or you may agree with none of them. That's perfectly fine, because it means something different to everybody. My point is just to simply show how different we all are and how differently we all think. And oh yeah, you should realize it's okay to be different! It's okay to think differently than everybody else! We were never made to be the same in the first place, so why do so many people insist on being followers simply because they desire acceptance?

      Now that I've finally realized how differently 1 Life can be interpreted, I'm curious what it means to you. Show us how you're out living and what 1 Life means to you by sending us pictures or tagging us on social media with #OneLifeLiveIt. What does 1 Life mean to you? There's no right or wrong answer to this. We're all different and are all here to live our life while we have the chance to. Forget what other people say, do whatever makes you genuinely happy and whatever your heart truly desires. Whether thats going somewhere, doing something, or becoming somebody, just show us what it means to you! Remember, this is a lifestyle, not just a brand!


Bo Hayes
Bo Hayes


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